CAD Drawings | -
| Folder | |
Edgar Pyramid Slides - 1909 | -
| Folder | |
Great Pyramid Data Pack - jpg files | -
| Folder | |
Great Pyramid Drawings for Br. John Baker | -
| Folder | |
Great Pyramid Slides from Br Jerry Leslie | -
| Folder | |
| 1924_ME_The_Great_Pyramid | 23.0 MB
| pdf | |
| Application_of_the_Mosaic_System_of_Chro | 2.1 MB
| pdf | |
| Bible Dates - 2018-11-11.DXF | 89.5 kB
| DXF | |
| Bible Dates with Gt Pyr and Hale Bopp dates (ToshibaLaptop's conflicted copy 2016-01-02).psd | 16.6 MB
| psd | |
| Bible Dates with Gt Pyr and Hale Bopp dates..DWG | 32.6 kB
| DWG | |
| Bible Dates with Gt Pyr and Hale Bopp dates.DXF | 204.6 kB
| DXF | |
| Bible Dates with Gt Pyr and Hale Bopp dates | 8.9 MB
| jpg | |
| Bible Dates with Gt Pyr and Hale Bopp dates.psd | 16.6 MB
| psd | |
| Coffer and Ark Volumes.BMP | 59.6 kB
| BMP | |
| Coffer and Ark Volumes.DWG | 20.1 kB
| DWG | |
| Coffer and Ark Volumes.DXF | 48.2 kB
| DXF | |
| Coffer and Ark Volumes.FCW | 5.1 kB
| FCW | |
| Coffer and Ark Volumes | 2.8 MB
| jpg | |
| Coffer and Ark Volumes.tif | 17.1 MB
| tif | |
| Comparing the Interior Volume of the Coffer in the Great Pyramid | 158.8 kB
| pdf | |
| Edgar Pyramid Slides from Br Jerry Leslie | 17.6 MB
| pdf | |
| GPPOINTS - 2008-09-25.XLS | 62.5 kB
| XLS | |
| Grand Gallery Ceiling Stones - 01-14-2006.xls | 43.5 kB
| xls | |
| GRAND GALLERY from Jesus' Birth point.DXF | 37.5 kB
| DXF | |
| GRAND GALLERY from Jesus' Birth point.FCW | 4.7 kB
| FCW | |
| GRAND GALLERY from Jesus' Birth point | 1.4 MB
| jpg | |
| GRANDGALLERY - Ara.DWG | 14.8 kB
| DWG | |
| GRANDGALLERY - Crux.DWG | 14.8 kB
| DWG | |
| GRANDGALLERY - Southern Crown.DWG | 14.8 kB
| DWG | |
| GRANDGALLERY - Southern Crown.FCW | 5.0 kB
| FCW | |
| GRANDGALLERY With Constellations | 9.0 MB
| jpg | |
| GRANDGALLERY With Constellations.tcw | 26.5 kB
| tcw | |
| Great Pyramid - 2012-02-17 version.DWG | 228.4 kB
| DWG | |
| Great Pyramid - 2012-02-17 version.FCW | 73.8 kB
| FCW | |
| Great Pyramid 2012-02-17 version.DXF | 690.8 kB
| DXF | |
| Great Pyramid Calculations - 2014-05-15.XLS | 46.0 kB
| XLS | |
Great Pyramid Chart | retouched 2014-11-01 | 23.2 MB
| jpg | |
| Great Pyramid Chart from Br. George Passios - 2016-06-20 - red removed and lightened a little.tif | 166.8 MB
| tif | |
| Great Pyramid Data Pack | 129.5 MB
| pdf | |
| Great Pyramid Points, offset and distances.XLS | 158.5 kB
| XLS | |
| Great Pyramid with 7000 inch end point marked.DXF | 651.8 kB
| DXF | |
| Great Pyramid with 7000 inch end point marked | 785.2 kB
| jpg | |
| Great Pyramid with Air Passages.FCW | 39.2 kB
| FCW | |
| Great Pyramid with Br. Karlen's diagrams superimposed - 2018-11-15 - base levels refined.FCW | 128.9 kB
| FCW | |
| Great Pyramid with Br. Karlen's diagrams superimposed.DXF | 651.2 kB
| DXF | |
| Great Pyramid with Br. Karlen's diagrams superimposed.FCW | 129.5 kB
| FCW | |
| GTPYR93B - Details of the Step and Star Vectors.FCW | 47.3 kB
| FCW | |
| GTPYR93B - Details of the Step.FCW | 45.7 kB
| FCW | |
| Indentations in the sides(QM).xlsx | 12.5 kB
| xlsx | |
Is the Great Pyramid of Gizeh a Metrological Monument by Sir J Y Simpson | 1868 | 5.5 MB
| pdf | |
| LibreCAD-Installer-2.1.3.exe | 26.6 MB
| exe | |
| Masonry Courses and Angles.XLS | 110.5 kB
| XLS | |
Misc. Works of John Greaves | Published 1737 | 34.0 MB
| pdf | |
Philitis | Solution of the Mystery - The Great Pyramid in Egypt - Charles Casey | 56.0 MB
| pdf | |
| Precession - 03-16-04.xls | 3.5 MB
| xls | |
Pyramid Coffer and Ark of the Covenant Interior Volumes | Wood Thickness variation | 125.2 kB
| pdf | |
Pyramid Discourse based on slides from Br Jerry Leslie -possibly written by Br. Frank Parsons | ca. 1968 | 19.5 MB
| pdf | |
| PyramidPassages | 151.9 MB
| pdf | |
| Rate of General Precession over time.xlsx | 16.1 kB
| xlsx | |
The Great Pyramid | Its Spiritual Symbolism | 128.5 MB
| pdf | |
The Great Pyramid | Its Time Features - (1914 A. D. and the Great Pyramid - Part II) | 170.4 MB
| pdf | |
| The great pyramid_ observatory, tomb, and temple by Richard Proctor | 21.4 MB
| pdf | |
The International Standard | 1883 - Volume 1 | 70.7 MB
| pdf | |
The International Standard | 1884 - Volume 2 | 80.2 MB
| pdf | |
The International Standard | 1885 - Volume 3 | 61.8 MB
| pdf | |
The Pillar of Witness | B W Tracy | 8.7 MB
| pdf | |
The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh | by Flinders Petrie | 83.4 kB
| pdf | |
The scientific & religious discoveries in the Great pyramid, recently | William H Wilson - 1881 | 5.7 MB
| pdf | |
The scientific and religious discoveries in the Great pyramid recently by Smyth | by William H Wilson - 1880 | 5.9 MB
| pdf | |
Two non-Republished Books on The Great Pyramid by Br Morton Edgar | 1924 | 226.2 MB
| pdf | |
| Using the Pythagorian Theorum.xls | 43.0 kB
| xls | |
View up Descending Passage | corrected | 2.2 MB
| jpg | |
| View up Descending Passage.FCW | 2.9 kB
| FCW | |
| Year Length as computed using established scientific standards.xlsx | 43.1 kB
| xlsx | |