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001 v1, 344North and West Flanks - retouched6.1 MB jpg
002 v1, 290N Flank, showing entrance - retouched5.3 MB jpg
003 v1, 244NW Angle - retouched4.2 MB jpg
004 v1, 208North side, showing Edgars' tents in foreground - retouched3.4 MB jpg
005 v1, 13Overhead map of Gizeh Pyramids - retouched4.4 MB jpg
006 v1, 142Second Pyramid of Gizeh_ N Flank - retouched5.1 MB jpg
007 v1, 150Third Pyramid of Gizeh_ N Flank - retouched4.0 MB jpg
008 v1, 343Pyramids of Gizeh - as viewed from S of Third Pyramid - Third, Second and Great Pyr2.6 MB jpg
009 v1, 141Great Pyramid and Sphinx - retouched3.9 MB jpg
010 v1, 338Great Pyramid and Sphinx (on right hand side) - retouched4.5 MB jpg
011 v1, 342Sphinx, and Second Pyramid - retouched4.3 MB jpg
012 v1, 10Bird's Eye View of Lower Egypt - retouched3.7 MB jpg
013 v1, 16Map illustrating Isa 19_19 - retouched4.8 MB jpg
014 v1, 19Map showing Great Pyramid to be in the center of the land mass of the world - retouc4.0 MB jpg
015 SITS C, 6Cross Section of Great Pyramid - showing direction of Alpha Draconis - retouched3.9 MB jpg
016 SITS A, 23Pyramid with separated top stone - retouched1.2 MB jpg
017 v1, 325Example of ruined pyramids of Abusir - retouched4.3 MB jpg
018 v1, 325Example of ruined pyramids of Sakara - retouched4.3 MB jpg
019 v1, 47Ground plan of the Great Pyramid - retouched4.3 MB jpg
020 v1, 328All of the Pyramids of Gizeh in vertical and Meridian Section - retouched2.9 MB jpg
021 v1, 135Vertical Section of Second Pyramid of Gizeh - retouched3.4 MB jpg
022 v1, 152Vertical Section of Third Pyramid of Gizeh - retouched3.1 MB jpg
023 v1, 329All of the Pyramids of Egypt (Other than those of Jeezeh) - retouched2.9 MB jpg
024 v1, 56Passage System of the Great Pyramid - retouched5.9 MB jpg
025 v1, 128Casing Stones on North Flank of the Great Pyramid - Figure - L Dow Covington - Reto3.7 MB jpg
026 v1, 133Casing Stones on North Flank of the Great Pyramid Showing Fissure in the Rock - Fig3.1 MB jpg
027 v1, 131Casing Stones_ Near View - retouched3.8 MB jpg
028 v1, 138Present dilapidated entrance - retouched4.3 MB jpg
029 v1, 137Casing Stones_ Al Momoun's forced hole_ and angle-stones above Entrance - retouched4.5 MB jpg
030 v1, 134Casing Stones_ Al Momoun's forced hole (Figure - Hadji Ali Gabri) - retouched4.0 MB jpg
031 v1, 61Juncture of First Ascending Passage and Entrance Passage - retouched7.3 MB jpg
032 v1, 197Lower butt end of Granite Plug in roof of Descending Passage (Figure - Judah) - ret4.0 MB jpg
033 v1, 193Al Mamoun's Cavity_ showing W side of Granite Plug (Figure - Hadji Ali Gabri) - ret3.9 MB jpg
034 v1, 194Al Mamoun's Cavity_ showing W side of Granite Plug (Figure - Hadji Ali Gabri) (Clos3.4 MB jpg
034cHymn slide - retouched4.6 MB jpg
034eHymn slide - retouched5.0 MB jpg
035Not in book - Eqyptian Hieroglyphics - retouched 2.8 MB jpg
036 v1, 70Vertical Section of King's Chamber, showing Chambers of Construction - retouched7.6 MB jpg
037 v1, 34Chart of the Ages - retouched2.2 MB jpg
038 v2, 47Passage System of the Great Pyramid - Showing Ages and Dispensations - retouched3.7 MB jpg
039 v1, 173Entrance to Small Horizontal Passage leading to the Pit (figure - Prof John Edgar) 4.3 MB jpg
040 v1, 177Pit looking W (Figures - Prof J Edgar and Judah) - retouched3.8 MB jpg
041 v2, 221Parallel periods of 2081 years - retouched1.9 MB jpg
042 v2, 18Dispensations and ages - rretouched1.1 MB jpg
043 v2, 59First Ascending Passage labeled Law Covenant - retouched1.6 MB jpg
044 v1, 169Walking down Descending Passage (Figure - Prof John Edgar) - retouched3.4 MB jpg
045 v1, 199Lower butt end of Granite Plug in roof of Descending Passage - Prof John Edgar stan4.0 MB jpg
046 v1, 198Lower butt end of Granite Plug_ iron grill door closing lower reach of Descending P4.7 MB jpg
047 v1, 200Great Pyramid upper end and W side of Granite Plug (Figure - Prof J Edgar, leaning3.9 MB jpg
048 v2, 234Drawing showing passages and lengths (missing chambers of construction and short bl3.0 MB jpg
049 v1, 308King's Chamber Entrance (Figure - Mrs J Edgar) - retouched3.2 MB jpg
050 v1, 305King's Chamber Entrance looking NW (Figures - Prof J and M Edgar, with party, takin3.3 MB jpg
051 v1, 306Coffer in King's Chamber (Figures - Prof J and M Edgar, with party) - retouched2.9 MB jpg
052 v1, 389Queen's Chamber, showing Niche in E wall and entrance to left (Figures - Prof J and2.9 MB jpg
053 v1, 306King's Chamber, S Air Channel mouth - retouched4.4 MB jpg
054 v1, 66Vertical Section of Queen's Chamber, looking East - retouched4.9 MB jpg
055 v1, 381Queen's Chamber, N air-channel mouth - retouched3.7 MB jpg
056 v2, 4Passage System of Great Pyramid showing lengths of passages - entire system - retouch3.6 MB jpg
057 v2, 56Vertical section of Horizontal Passage and plane illustrating 33.5 years of our Lord4.5 MB jpg
058 v1, 168Passage System, showing vertical line from S Wall of Grand Gallery to N Wall of Pit3.9 MB jpg
059 v2, 86First Ascending Passage, start of Grand Gallery and Well Shaft to Grotto - retouched2.0 MB jpg
060 v2, 292Lower passage system from Queen's Chamber to Pit over to entrance, showing lengths 2.8 MB jpg
061 v2, 83Drawing of Well Mouth, looking NW with surfaces labeled - retouched4.8 MB jpg
062 v1, 367Well Opening in Descending Passage (Figure - Judah) - retouched3.1 MB jpg
063 v1, 190Well Opening in Descending Passage, showing man ascending - retouched3.8 MB jpg
064 v1, 354Grotto in Well Shaft (Figure - Judah) - retouched3.7 MB jpg
064aHymn Slide - Watchman, Tell Us Of The Night - retouched7.8 MB jpg
064bHymn Slide - Watchman, Tell Us Of The Night - retouched5.9 MB jpg
065Diagram showing Descending Passage and First Ascending Passage, South of the Point of Intersection, with Measurements - retouched5.6 MB jpg
066Ground Plan of the Northern End of the Grand Gallery and the Well - retouched6.7 MB jpg
067Vertical End Sections of the Northern Edge of the Well - retouched7.1 MB jpg
068Great Pyramid_Well Mouth to Grand Gallery (drawing) - retouched7.0 MB jpg
069Great Pyramid_Entrance of Horizontal Passage Leading to Queen's Chamber (Figure-Prof John Edgar) - retouched5.5 MB jpg
070Great Pyramid_Well Mouth in Grand Gallery (Drawing) - retouched6.3 MB jpg
071Great Pyramid_Grand Gallery Floor Cut-Off (Figures-Prof J Edgar, and Judah) - retouched5.9 MB jpg
072Great Pyramid_Grand Gallery, Full Length and Horizontal Passage Leading to Queen's Chamber - retouched4.9 MB jpg
073Ascending Passages - Jewish and Gospel Age with Measurements - retouched3.8 MB jpg
074Great Pyramid_Grand Gallery, North End - retouched5.3 MB jpg
075Great Pyramid_Grand Gallery (Figures Prof J Edgar, and Judah) - retouched5.2 MB jpg
076Diagram - Gospel Age (Grand Gallery) and Step - retouched3.9 MB jpg
077Horizontal Section of King's Chamber, Ante-Chamber, and Southern end of Grand Gallery - retouched6.8 MB jpg
078Great Pyramid_Step at Head of Grand Gallery, and Entrance of Low Passage leading to Ante-Chamber - retouched5.7 MB jpg
079Great Pyramid_Ante-Chamber, Prof J Edgar Standing between N Wall(left) and ''Granite Leaf'' (right) - retouched5.1 MB jpg
080Grat Pyramid_Ante-Chamber - Prof J Edgar stooping under ''Granite Leaf'' - retouched6.7 MB jpg
081Great Pyramid_Ante-Chamber, showing Entrance of low passage leading southward to King's Chamber - retouched6.9 MB jpg
082Diagram showing Floor Level of Queen's Chamber leading to the First Ascending Passage - processed6.5 MB jpg
083Great Pyramid_entrance of Horizontal Passage leading to Queen's Chamber (Figure - Judah) - retouched4.2 MB jpg
084 v2, 98Vertical Section of lower end of the Grand Gallery, showing measurements relating to4.4 MB jpg
085 v1, 203Upper butt end of Granite Plug (right) and Judah standing in Al Momoun's Cavity - r4.2 MB jpg
086 v2, 152Sectional drawing of lower passage system with measurements - retouched2.8 MB jpg
087 v1, 179Pit, looking North (Figure - Hadji Ali Gabri) - retouched4.5 MB jpg
088 v1, 180Pit, looking South (Figure - Hadji Ali Gabri) - retouched3.1 MB jpg
089 v2, 172Vertical Section of Pit region, including two horizontal passages leading to and fr1.8 MB jpg
090 v1, 189Pit - whole extent of E Wall (Figures Prof J and S Edgar, and Judah) - retouched4.4 MB jpg
091 v1, 188Pit, looking South, showing doorway of little S blind passage (Figure - Prof J Edga4.4 MB jpg
092 v1, 178Pit - NW Corner (Figure Stanley Edgar) - retouched4.4 MB jpg
093 v2, 164Section showing Descending Passage labeled The Present Evil World - retouched2.6 MB jpg
094 v2, 148Chronology Chart showing Adam's 1000 year day, 2520 year parallels and 1000 year Mi1.4 MB jpg
095 v2, 176Vertical section of Small Horizontal Passage with measurements - retouched5.9 MB jpg
096 v1, 183Pit, NE Corner, showing doorway of Small Horizontal Passage (Figure - Prof J Edgar)3.7 MB jpg
097 v1, 173Junction of Descending, with Small Horizontal, Passage, looking SW - retouched3.3 MB jpg
098 v1, 184Recess, looking S in Small Horizontal Passage leading to Pit (Figure - Judah, stand4.4 MB jpg
099 v2, 189Vertical Section of Horizontal Passage and measurement of 1521.75 inches - retouche1.1 MB jpg
100 v1, 378Drop in floor of Horizontal Passage leading to Queen's Chamber, looking N (Figure 4.0 MB jpg
101 v1, 381Horizontal Passage leading to Queen's Chamber Prof J Edgar standing at doorway in 3.1 MB jpg
102Not in book - Drawing of Passage System of the Great Pyramid - retouched3.2 MB jpg
103Not in book - Scenic drawing of the Nile and the Pyramids of Gizeh - retouched3.5 MB jpg
no numberAdvertizement for The Golden Age - retouched2.7 MB jpg
no numberv1, 236 - Map showing the relationship between the position of the Great Pyramid and Bethlehem3.7 MB jpg