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 100_Paul, Faithful To The End6.5 MB mp3
 101_Philemon And Onesimus5.6 MB mp3
 10_Jacob Wrestles With An Angel5.6 MB mp3
 11_God Prospers Jacob5.9 MB mp3
 12_Mrs Potiphar And The Dungeon6.2 MB mp3
 13_Joseph's Coat Of Many Colors6.2 MB mp3
 14_Josesph Interprets Dreams6.2 MB mp3
 15_Josesph Stands Before Pharoah6.4 MB mp3
 16_Joseph Becomes The Prime Minister5.6 MB mp3
 17_Joseph Tests His Brothers5.8 MB mp3
 18_Joseph Makes Himself Known6.3 MB mp3
 19_Moses, A Deliverer Is Born5.2 MB mp3
 1_Adam And Eve4.8 MB mp3
 20_Moses Fufills His Destiny5.3 MB mp3
 21_Pharaoh's Heart Of Stone5.9 MB mp3
 22_The Red Sea5.5 MB mp3
 23_Moses Leads A Stiffnecked People5.8 MB mp3
 24_The Ten Commandments6.0 MB mp3
 25_Moses' Leadership Questioned5.9 MB mp3
 26_Moses, The Man Of Patience6.0 MB mp3
 27_Balaam And The Talking Donkey6.7 MB mp3
 28_Balaam's Greed Becomes His Ruin6.1 MB mp3
 29_The Fall Of Jericho5.6 MB mp3
 2_Cain And Abel2.8 MB mp3
 30_The Day The Sun Stood Still5.5 MB mp3
 31_Joshua's Army Conquers Canaan5.9 MB mp3
 32_Mighty Gideon5.7 MB mp3
 33_Samson And Delilah5.6 MB mp3
 34_Story Of Ruth5.7 MB mp3
 35_Eli's Wayward Sons6.2 MB mp3
 36_The Lord Calls Samuel5.1 MB mp3
 37_The Ark Of The Covenant Captured5.9 MB mp3
 38_Saul, Israel's First King5.6 MB mp3
 39_King Saul Saves A City6.2 MB mp3
 3_Noah And The Flood11.7 MB mp3
 40_Prince Jonathon Smites The Philistines And David Annointed By Samuel6.0 MB mp3
 41_David And Goliath6.2 MB mp3
 42_Saul Plots To Kill David6.2 MB mp3
 43_Jonathon Warns David6.0 MB mp3
 44_David Escapes6.4 MB mp3
 45_David Spares Saul's Life5.5 MB mp3
 46_Abigail Befriends David6.4 MB mp3
 47_David Takes Saul's Spear And David Lives Among The Philistines6.8 MB mp3
 48_King Saul Takes His Own Life6.5 MB mp3
 49_David's Brave Rescue5.2 MB mp3
 4_The Call Of Abraham6.3 MB mp3
 50_David's Long Awaited Coronation6.3 MB mp3
 51_Jerusalem Made Capitol Of The United Kingdom5.9 MB mp3
 52_David Brings The Ark To Jerusalem And David's Kindness To Mephiboseth6.1 MB mp3
 53_David Defeats The Ammonites And Syrians5.6 MB mp3
 54_David And Bathsheba6.3 MB mp3
 55_David's Rebellious Son Absalom6.6 MB mp3
 56_Absalom's Rebellion Crushed6.8 MB mp3
 57_David Mourns Absalom's Death And The Hermit And The King6.1 MB mp3
 58_Adonijah Plots Against His Father6.4 MB mp3
 59_David's Last Days And Requests6.4 MB mp3
 5_Abraham And Isaac6.4 MB mp3
 60_The Wisdom Of Solomon6.7 MB mp3
 61_Solomon's Kingdom Divided6.5 MB mp3
 62_Ahab And Jezebel5.9 MB mp3
 63_Elijah Taken Up By A Whirlwind5.7 MB mp3
 64_Elisha Brings A Child Back To Life6.2 MB mp3
 65_Naamon Healed Of Leprosy6.0 MB mp3
 66_Elisha Captures The Syrian Army5.7 MB mp3
 67_Elisha Promises Food To A Besieged City6.0 MB mp3
 68_Hezekiah And Isaiah, The Backward Moving Sun6.7 MB mp3
 69_Esther Chosen Queen Of Persia6.6 MB mp3
 6_Sodom And Gomorrah5.7 MB mp3
 70_Hammon's Plot Against Mordeci5.9 MB mp3
 71_Queen Ester Saves Her People6.5 MB mp3
 72_The Story Of Job5.8 MB mp3
 73_Nebuchadnezzar Captures Jerusalem5.9 MB mp3
 74_Daniel Refusesthe King's Meat And Wine6.0 MB mp3
 75_Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar's Dream6.4 MB mp3
 76_Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego In A Furnace6.0 MB mp3
 77_Nebuchadnezzar's Seven Years Of Punishment6.3 MB mp3
 5.6 MB mp3
 79_Daniel In The Lion's Den6.4 MB mp3
 7_Isaac Marries Rebekah5.5 MB mp3
 80_Jonah And The Whale6.4 MB mp3
 81_Jesus About His Father's Business6.3 MB mp3
 82_Jesus And Nicodemus6.4 MB mp3
 83_A Nobleman's Son Healed-A Cripple Healed At Bethseda6.3 MB mp3
 84_The Call Of Levi (Matthew)5.4 MB mp3
 85_Jesus And The Roman Centurion6.6 MB mp3
 86_Demons Possess A Herd Of Swine5.1 MB mp3
 87_The Five Thousand Fed5.5 MB mp3
 88_The Resurrection Of Lazurus4.6 MB mp3
 89_Blind Bartimaeus6.1 MB mp3
 8_Jacob And Esau6.4 MB mp3
 90_Our Lord's Crucifixion And Resurrection6.5 MB mp3
 91_Life Among The First Believers6.1 MB mp3
 92_The Sin Of Ananias And Sapphira6.3 MB mp3
 93_The Stoning Of Stephen5.8 MB mp3
 94_The Conversion Of Saul5.3 MB mp3
 95_Saul Preaches Christ5.5 MB mp3
 96_Peter Escapes King Herod6.0 MB mp3
 97_Paul And Barnabas Part Company5.8 MB mp3
 98_Paul And Silas In Prison6.0 MB mp3
 99_The Aged Paul Shipwrecked6.3 MB mp3
 9_Jacob Deceived6.2 MB mp3